Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Our Mission:

SERV Achievement Centers, Inc. has been providing teaching, training and support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and youth with behavioral challenges and emotional problems since 1987.

Services are individualized and based on an approach that utilizes the principles of applied behavior analysis in its treatment planning, teaching and provision of services.

All services promote individual responsibility, increase self-reliance and teach individuals and their families the skills necessary for living and working successfully in the community.

Overview of Services

Traditional Group Homes

Ongoing support is provided by well-trained staff members who are consistently engaging the consumers by teaching appropriate social and behavioral skills. These more intensive homes provide consumers with a long-term, well-structured living environment in the least restrictive setting.

Supervised Apartments

For adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who have achieved a higher level of independent functioning, this apartment program allows for independent living that is supported by on-site trained staff.

Therapeutic Foster Care

Foster care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities that provides individualized living with carefully selected, trained and supervised foster care providers who fully integrate residents into family life, implement treatment and training plans and coordinate activities to help consumers reach their potential and live happy and satisfying lives. Click here for brochure.

Progressive Achievement Centers (a vocational services day program)

The Progressive Achievement Centers in Mercer and Union Counties have adult vocational training programs that work with individuals to develop and improve vocational skills. PAC staff works in coordination with local businesses and organizations to place PAC consumers in a real working environment where they can receive the benefits of employment and become active participants in the community. More on PAC.

Home-Based Services (for adults or children)

This 8- to 10-week intensive in-home intervention is designed to assist families/caretakers who reside with an individual with an intellectual/developmental disability who is experiencing behavioral or emotional challenges. A Behavior Specialist will continue to offer support to the family for one year after the intervention is completed. More on Behavioral Support Programs for Families and Caregivers.

Mobile Crisis Response (for adults)

Working through the Division of Developmental Disabilities, this fast-response team intervenes and diffuses crisis situations within one hour. Remaining with the family until the situation is diffused, the team will then continue to provide ongoing and proactive support for up to four weeks to avoid out-of-home placement.

Emergency Non-Ambulatory Services

Designed for non-ambulatory consumers or adults with limited mobility who are in need of immediate placement. Individuals are referred through the state Division of Developmental   Disabilities and placed in an accessible home for up to 120 days. Staff members are trained in all aspects of the needs of the individuals residing in these homes, including transfers and hoyer lifts. Wheelchair-accessible vans are located at these sites.

Intensive In-Home Community Services

In-Home Intervention helps parents and other caregivers address problem behaviors in children and youth that threaten the youth’s ability to continue living at home. Individualized teaching, training and support is combined to build parenting skills, develop and implement behavior modification strategies and improve coping skills. Services are provided on-site in the family home.

Referral Process 1-(833) CAN-SERV (226-7378)

Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are referred to SERV through the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) for all services. If you know someone who would benefit from these services, please contact his or her DDD case manager for a referral.  If you need assistance obtaining these services, please contact our office.

Referrals for services to youth and children come from many sources including, but not limited to: the N.J. Department of Children and Families,Youth Case Management, Mobile Response Agencies, CMO's, and Family Court.  The Intensive In-Community Services are Medicaid approved.  If you need assistance obtaining these services, please contact our office.

Cost of Care

Once eligibility is determined, most services are paid for through DDD, Medicaid or other funding sources. When services are not covered by such programs, SERV Achievement Centers, Inc. offers a sliding-scale fee.

Download SERV Achievement Centers brochure


“Helping individuals reach their full potential”

3AAA Drive, Suite 101,
Hamilton, NJ 08691
Phone: 1-833-CAN-SERV

Service area: Burlington, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, Somerset & Union counties

Youth Treatment Homes available in other regions

SERV Achievement Centers brochure