Consumer FAQs

Do I have to bring my own furniture?

No. The apartments are furnished. Bring the things that will make you feel at home such as pictures or mementos, etc.

Will I have a roommate?

Yes. You will most likely have a roommate.

Are there rules I must follow?

Yes. There are rules that will be discussed with you at the time you make the decision to enter our program.

Who does the cleaning and chores?

Each consumer is expected to share the responsibility of cooking and chores. Staff assistance may be available if needed.

Can I have visitors?

Yes. You are free to have friends and family visit you. Please remember to be considerate of other housemates and roommates. Staff will assist you in determining appropriate times for visitors.

Once I am in the program, can I leave?

Yes, the SERV programs are voluntary.

How much does it cost to live at SERV?

Each consumer is charged a service fee that is based upon his/her monthly income.

If I live in a group home, when do I get to move to a supervise apartment?

SERV staff will help you set treatment goals when you come into a program. When you have completed the goals, are feeling well and there is an opening, you can move to the apartments.

How long can I stay in the program?

As long as you need to. You can leave SERV when you feel you are ready or when you feel you no longer want services.

Can I bring my children to live with me?

No, the apartments and group homes are designed for adult consumers only. Friends and family may visit.

Can I have pets?


Do you have shelters or emergency housing?

Not at this time.

Does SERV provide vocational training?

Not in the residential facilities, but we can help connect you to other service providers who do provide vocational training.

SERV requires that I be involved in "gainful activity." What is considered gainful activity?

Some examples of gainful activity are: Day Treatment program, volunteer work, a job or going to school.

What happens if I need to go to the hospital? Will I lose my apartment?

No. Your place will be held for you for 30 days.

What skills do I need in order to succeed in the apartment program?

You need to be able to care for your own hygiene and do some basic cooking and cleaning.

Will I have a say in my treatment?

Yes. You should discuss our goals and concerns with SERV staff regularly.

Will other people know I am in a program?

No. All information about your treatment is confidential. Our apartments and group homes are in the community and do not look any different from any other house or apartment.

If I have a problem or complaint about the way I am being treated, what can I do about it?

If you have a problem or issue with SERV staff that has not been resolved through the local quality control process, you may call SERV's consumer advocate at 609-406-0100 x3090. All inquiries and issues will be held in confidence.