Family and Friends FAQs

What is a group home?

A group home is a shared-living residence for individuals with disabilities to live in the community. 24-hour supervision and assistance is provided to these residents. Group home staff provides assistance with Activities of Daily Living, medication monitoring, transportation, supportive counseling, coordination with other service providers, individual and group counseling, and recreational activities. These services are provided so that residents can improve their independent living skills.

What is an apartment program?

Apartment programs offer a variety of support and supervision for those adults who are in the process of building a progressively more independent life. In some apartment programs staff is on-site 14 hours a day. In programs where residents have increased their skills for independence, staff may be on-site less. SERV staff members are always on-call to apartment residents.

What training does SERV staff receive? What are their qualifications?

Counselors at SERV sites must have a bachelor's degree in the field of human services, or two years of college plus two years of related work experience, or a high school diploma plus four years of related experience. In addition to this, all SERV staff complete an initial training before they begin work with consumers. This training includes sessions on psychiatric illness, medication, safety, driving, and all SERV policies and procedures. There is regular training offered to all staff throughout the year and SERV has a liberal tuition reimbursement program for all job-related education. All staff receives regular supervision to discuss any issues related to the treatment of the residents and the operation of the home. The staff meets weekly to ensure that everyone has the information they need and to discuss any emerging issues before they become problems.

How long can a person stay at SERV?

As long as they need to. Many of our residential consumers move to more independent living within a year or two. Some stay longer.

What is my role with SERV as a family member of a SERV consumer? How can I be involved?

Your role can be whatever feels comfortable for you and your family member. The options of involvement include but are not limited to: visits to the site, weekend visits with your family member, meetings with staff, participation in treatment planning, and family support groups. We encourage family participation, while at the same time understand that sometimes there are limitations to how involved you can or want to be. Your participation, whether direct or indirect, is welcomed.

What if I suspect abuse or neglect of my family member while they are in the care of a SERV program?

Call our Director of Quality and Compliance at (609) 406-0100, x3090 to voice any concerns you may have about the safety and welfare of your family member.

Where do people living at SERV go when they leave?

SERV assists residents in finding affordable housing when it is possible, allowing many people to graduate and live independently. Some of our residents move in with relatives. Others may need more intensive services than we provide in which case we work with them to arrange for the appropriate services with another treatment provider.