Regina Widdows

Regina Widdows is President/Chief Executive Officer of SERV Behavioral Health System.

Ms. Widdows is an experienced healthcare management professional who has held executive positions in New Jersey and Pennsylvania at both behavioral health organizations as well as hospital systems.

She received her master’s degree in clinical psychology from West Chester University, West Chester, Pa.; and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Temple University, Philadelphia.

Ms. Widdows is a voting member on the boards of The SERV Foundation, SERV Properties & Management, SERV Centers of N.J. and SERV Achievement Centers.

She also serves on the board of the New Jersey Association of Community Providers and is a member of the Forum of Executive Women.

President and CEO

SERV Behavioral Health System, Inc.

SERV Achievement Centers, Inc.

SERV Centers of New Jersey, Inc.

Craig Provorny


Paul M. Lehrer, Ph. D


Nawal Ammar

David Stafford

Susan L. Swatski, Esq. 

SERV Connect, Inc.

Robert N. Cottone, Jr.


Paget Berger


Joanna Adu

Michael Gross

Andrew Jaeger

Mark Kennedy, MBA, SHRM - CP

SERV Foundation, Inc.

Andre Caldini


Richard Diacont


Peter A. Pogany, RP

Ward Bauman

Patrick Brogan

Barbara Byrne

Megan Callahan Sherman

SERV Properties and Management, Inc.

Richard Hauer


Michael Maguire


John Maret

Past Chairperson

Richard Anderson

Ivan Punchatz, Esq.