SERV opens new home for youth with intellectual disabilities

Regina Widdows, President and CEO of SERV Behavioral Health System, cuts the ribbon during the grand opening of SERV Achievement Centers’ new group home in Willingboro for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She is surrounded by SERV staff and board members. 

SERV Achievement Centers, a division of SERV Behavioral Health System (SERV BHS), celebrated the grand opening of a group home for youth ages 14 to 17 with intellectual and development disabilities on July 23. 

The 5-bedroom home is one of three homes in Willingboro that came to fruition through an award from the N.J. Division of Children and Families to provide services for children and their families.

During the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Regina Widdows, President/CEO of SERV BHS, and Bob Bacon, Chief Operating Officer of SERV Achievement Centers, addressed more than 40 guests, including representatives from youth organizations, area corporations, SERV board members, and staff. “I am so thankful to so many of you who have been with us every step of the way so that this day would come,” Widdows said.  

The homes are dedicated to providing youth with a safe, nurturing and therapeutically supportive environment. The program includes a comprehensive array of services to assist the youth in acquiring skills needed to successfully return to their family home. Under the direction of Kristina Escobar, a board-certified behavior analyst, SERV’s highly trained staff will develop individual support plans and identify goals for each youth to foster personal growth, development and independence in a supportive environment. Staff also will work jointly with the youth’s parent/guardian to ameliorate any challenges before the child returns home.

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