Samina Salahuddin

Samina Salahuddin 2Samina Salahuddin has a master's degree in counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. She is certified in substance abuse counseling and in student personnel services.

Ms. Dalahuddin currently is in her third year of a Ph.D. program for psychotherapy.

She is affiliated with the New Jersey Counseling Association, the New Jersey Educational Association and the Passaic County Counseling Association.



Participants in these residential programs are at least 18 years of age, live within our service area and have a primary psychiatric diagnosis.

Referral Process
(833) CAN-SERV (226-7378)

Referrals for most of our residential placements are made through the state hospital system; however, some community referrals can be accommodated. Placement in our programs is dependent upon the consumer's appropriateness for the program and availability.

If you have a family member or friend who would benefit from a SERV Centers program, call our office for assistance in acquiring the proper referral.