Specializing in special-needs populations
Since 1974, SERV Behavioral Health System, Inc. has integrated housing and supportive services to address the needs of the whole person and not just a disability.
SERV Properties and Management Inc., a member of SERV Behavioral Health System, specializes in the planning, development and management of housing for special populations.
From creating affordable housing for seniors to managing residences in the community for adults with disabilities, SERV Properties & Management makes it possible for those in need to come home.
Affordable Housing for Seniors
Case #1 – Ujima Village
need for affordable
housing in Ewing,
N.J., was clear but
how to make it
happen was not so
apparent. As
the primary partner
in Ujima Village, a
52-unit senior
housing initiative,
SERV Properties and
Management oversaw
every phase of the
project including:
- Creation of funding for a tax-credit property
- Engineering
- Architectural
- Construction Management
- General Contracting
- Lease-Up
Today, all of the apartments are leased to qualified residents and SERV Properties and Management remains as the building management and maintenance contractor.
Restoring Neighborhoods, Revitalizing Communities
Case #2 – Leonard Apartment Building
This dilapidated Trenton apartment building was no longer an adequate living space for anyone. SERV Properties and Management acquired HUD funding to renovate the 12-unit building and changed the face of the neighborhood.
Renovations included:
- Window replacement
- Roof replacement
- New common-room flooring
- Replacement of the heating and cooling systems
- Lease-up to income-certified individuals
- The ongoing maintenance and management of the building
Today, this refurbished apartment-house is home to more than 20 individuals with special needs.
Our Current Portfolio includes the management of:
- 66 Licensed Group Homes for individuals with disabilities
- 106 Apartment Units
- 9 Apartment Buildings
- 4 Commercial Sites
SERV Properties & Management, Inc. has many years of experience managing group homes, apartment buildings and commercial sites, including HUD-funded and tax-credit properties. Through SERV's affiliate company, Advanced Health Management, LLC, we can offer high-quality facilities management services to your organization, which allows you more time to focus on your day-to-day operations. Click here for more information.